Nov 25, 2016
Giving or Receiving?
UP TV set up a social experiment to see if children would rather receive a Christmas gift for themselves - or give one to their families....
Nov 25, 2016
Positive v Negative
What a fine example of reframing. Sit with your thoughts and feelings and once aware, gently challenge them. If negative, can you...
Oct 3, 2016
Aspiration and Inspiration!
There are so many aspirational and inspirational quotes around but this is one of my favourites. I found it on a friend's 'wall' and...
Sep 30, 2016
Wholehearted Living?
I am a great Brene Brown fan and when I spotted this I knew I had to share it. How can we live more authentically? What can help us to...
Mar 27, 2016
Nobody is Broken!
Absolutely! Nobody is broken. We are just different. We are a product of our experiences both good and bad...and nobody is immune from...
Feb 9, 2016
You Matter
I read this one dreary morning when it was a little difficult to be positive. Ahhh, we all make an impact on the world around us so make...