Amanda Croft
Feb 29, 2020
The Joy of Singing
Having just joined a local gospel choir, I thought I'd share some information on just how good singing is for us. There's a wealth of...

Amanda Croft
Mar 21, 2019
Check your Thinking!
If you can catch a possible negative thought - especially before it escalates; assess, challenge and reframe then you will be creating...

Amanda Croft
Feb 14, 2019
Make Valentine's a Self-care Day!
Some things may be equally essential but nothing is more important than a healthy sense of self-esteem, or self-worth, and loving...

Jan 27, 2018
Need a Wake Up Call?
Yes, there are yet more reasons for getting a good night's sleep. The brain uses a quarter of the body's entire energy supply, yet only...

Nov 22, 2017
What is Love?
What is love? It can be many things from passion, to strong affection, to care and commitment. Should it hurt? Should it evoke fear? ...

Aug 9, 2017
Got a Me-Time Routine?
Get one! It's good for your mental well being. I like Emily Norris's Me-Time video. Yes, she's pushing Garnier a bit but choose your...