Oct 1
Exploring the Art of Embracing and Sitting with Our Feelings
The belief we need fixing because we are broken is a familiar goal yet healing is not a destination...
Mar 28
Are You Mentally Tough?
Have a listen to Penny Mallory and discover what mental toughness is and how it could transform your life. She asks us to imagine what would
Jan 16
How To Change Your Mind
How easy is it to change your mind? Literally make changes to your brain?
Oct 19, 2023
You and Your Ego
Eckhart Tolle and the ego. How can we make friends with this part of ourselves?
Jul 26, 2023
You've Got a Nerve, a Vagus Nerve!
The vagus nerve is a superhighway of communication between your brain and your body, affecting your mood, digestion, heart, and immunity....