Amanda Croft
Jan 27, 2020
The Guest House
I first read this poem when I was doing my Mindfulness training back in 2013. Rumi's verse would have to be one of the most frequently...

Amanda Croft
Dec 12, 2019
Welcome Your Visitors
Feelings have the power to affect us emotionally. We can learn to live without getting affected by every feeling which visits us. ...

Nov 22, 2017
When Small Feelings become Big!
This is a brilliant animation from Talking Mental Health designed to help begin conversations about mental health in the classroom and...

Jun 29, 2017
There's no Shame in Looking after your Mental Health
Finding it difficult to explain our struggles with life or ask for support is a universal issue - yes, it seems to be harder for certain...

Sep 30, 2016
Out of Touch?
“An enormous amount of trouble in the world – especially at work and in relationships – is caused by a peculiar phenomenon of our minds:...

Dec 27, 2015
The Power in Crying
This takes me back to my very first week of counselling training when one of my peers broke down in tears and many of us rushed to her...